Молодая мамочка, не улетай к богу, любопытно

Опубликовано: 6.11.2019
молодая мамочка, не улетай к богу

Mama, I have always loved you and I will love you forever… Thanks for being with me! ❤

Young mother, do not fly away to GodMy Angel, I can not find my way without youThe gentle embrace was the secret of my successDear memories about you are the roots of my heart.A bright shadow of yours is the source of my courageYour smile lifted me from my knees in the moments of weaknessYour love is in me like sweet sugarLove means home soaked in your scentIt’s real happiness to be the son of an angelAnd feel two wings behind your backMy dear, I hope you’ll forgive me for blindnessI looked down, not noticing how you are soaring over my headMy dreams have belong to you and my pain is only yoursAnd the beauty of the world is not enough, and it can not be compared with youYour face is the undeniable wealth of paradise,Among the most beautiful gardens and shores without a borderSoul is longing, tears silently flowingMemory wanders around and does not give upWhy the small are not destined to stay?Why is it destined by God to part?You are the light from the window in my worldYou are the one among all — my mother!


Автор: Мехди Эбрагими Вафа

Мама, я всегда любил тебя и буду любить всегда … спасибо за то, что ты рядом! ❤

Author: Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa

Слезы наворачиваются на глаза, ком в горле! Как вам удается так сказать, так подобрать слова, что невозможно даже читать !Столько глубины и нежности ! Спасибо за стихи!Вы супер, классный , красивый и очень добрый!

Источник: http://www.rusguitar.ru

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